
Boyle School Kindergarten Program

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is an exciting program that not only helps prepare children for entry into Grade One, but also provides a foundation for later success. Kindergarten provides learning experiences that meet the diverse needs of children and promote a positive attitude toward lifelong learning. A child whose developmental needs have been met is more likely to grow into a self-reliant, responsible, caring and contributing member of society

A child who will be 5 years of age on or before December 31 of that current year shall be eligible for entrance. 

Funding is provided for the child to attend Kindergarten for 475 hours in one year. (Alberta Education)

Take a look at what children will be learning in Kindergarten! 

Kindergarten Curriculum

Aspen View Kindergarten Registration Form

Hours of School

School Begins at 8:46 am and goes until 3:12 pm. Supervision for students will begin at 8:30am.  

Health Policy

Please ensure that your child's immunizations are up to date. Refrain from sending your child to school when they are ill.  They will be sent home if they are sick. It is recommended that your child’s hearing and vision be checked prior to the start of the school year.  


Children new to Boyle School will be screened for general development levels at school by the Inclusive Lead Teacher during staggered entry at the beginning of the school year.  Should further assessment be needed, a referral to the Speech Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist will be made.  

Parent Volunteers

We love having parent involvement in the classroom as it helps promote learning and understanding, and builds the bridge between home and school.  If you would like to volunteer in your child’s class, a volunteer registration, Vulnerable Sector check and an Intervention Check must be completed before any volunteering in the class can take place.  

Absences and Safety

Please notify the school of your child's absence 780-689-3647.  

School Bus

If your child will be riding the bus, please contact the transportation department @ 1-888-488-0288 Ext. 16 and have your land location ready.  You can also register your child for bussing at this link: here

For more information, you can contact Mr. Jason Mestinsek or Mrs. Felice Lund

Phone: 780-689-3647.  Email: or